Sunday, November 6, 2011

Final Draft

            "The individual who tips the scales might be a baby born to a city dweller or an adult migrating from the countryside, but in either case, it's likely that his or her new surroundings will include flimsy walls, disease and an enveloping stench of sewage and trash. The newcomer will have arrived in a Third World slum"(Pg.10 Source #4).A slum is a heavily populated urban area characterized by substandard housing. Slums will keep increasing in population over the following years and will cause bad affects on human populations. The Human populations are negatively affected by slums because slums will increase in population over the following years, slums endanger humans who live there due to pollution, and in slums the government does not care for the people who live there. Slums are increasing in population every year due to the fact people are getting poorer.  
First off, population in slums is increasing in large amounts and will keep growing over the years.”In fact, many say it’s the largest slum in Africa. Kibera’s true population isn’t known, but there are probably as many people living here as there are in San Francisco, packed into housing few Americans could fathom,” ( Pg. 3 Source #2) The population in the slums is so large that no one really knows how many people live there. There are many people living in this slum so there they really can't tell how many people live there. In Kivera, it is estimated to have a bigger population then San Francisco. With so many people living there, it will cause negative effects in the human population. In the world we live in today, the lower the population the better. The lower the population the more resources. It is bad to have a big population because then resources will be limited and it will be harder to live. This is not the only negative effect of slums; they can also endanger the people who live there because of pollution.
Therefore, since slums are really over crowded there are many health hazards. The slums are really un-sanitary and no one would be comfortable living there. It will be really easy to get sick also due to this. "Fink: The foul river carries not just sewage, but also chemicals from farming estates outside the slum. It's littered with refuse, too: plastic bags, glass bottles. A toddle stands barefoot at the water's edge. Just behind her, a row of low huts stretches along the ditch."(Pg.3 Source #2)According to Fink, there is lots of pollution in the slums affecting the people living there. There is so much pollution in the slums it is hard to live in it. The river is really polluted especially with chemicals from factories. One more negative effect of slums is that the government does not care about the people who live there.
Lastly, people who live in slums are basically mistreated by the government. The government would not help the people who live in slums unless it would benefit them. The government will basically be selfish. "The government is interested in the land, not the people,” says Rajiv Korde."(Pg.8 Source #3) Rajiv Korde states the government only wants land and doesn't care about the people who live there.  The government wants to use the land to benefit from it and not help the people who live there. The government won't even clean up the land so the people there can live better and live longer, but would only do it if they would benefit from it. These are all the ways slums negatively affect the world population.
The world is negatively affected due to slums all over the world for many reasons. The Human populations are negatively affected by slums because slums will increase in population over the following years, slums endanger humans who live there due to pollution, and in slums, and the government does not care for the people who live there. Slums are increasing in an uncontrollable rate. The pollution in the slums is also uncontrollable and the people there often get health problems. In slums, the government does not care for the people who live there. Slums are places where people who can't afford to live in other areas. The people there live in pollution and the government does not care for them, they live in horrible conditions and slums affect the world negatively.

Blythe, Nils. "BBC NEWS | Business | Mumbai's Slum Life Poses World Problem." BBC News - Home. 26 Feb. 2008. Web. 2011. <> Eaves, Elisabeth.
"Two Billion Slum Dwellers -" Information for the World's Business Leaders - 6 Nov. 2006. Web. 2011. <>.
Fink, Sheri. "Cities of the Poor I: Life in the Slums (Kenya)." Public Radio International: TheWorld.18Dec, 2006.Web.2011. <>
World Geography: Understanding a Changing World.” ABC-CLIO, 2011.Web.2011. <>

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Rough Draft

"The individual who tips the scales might be a baby born to a city dweller or an adult migrating from the countryside, but in either case, it's likely that his or her new surroundings will include flimsy walls, disease and an enveloping stench of sewage and trash. The newcomer will have arrived in a Third World slum"(Pg.10 Source #4).A slum is a heavily populated urban area characterized by substandard housing. Slums will keep increasing in population over the following years and will cause bad affects on human populations. The Human populations are negatively affected by slums because slums will increase in population over the following years, slums endanger humans who live there due to pollution, and in slums, and the government does not care for the people who live there. Slums are increasing in population every year due to the fact people are getting poorer.  
Population in slums is increasing in large amounts and will keep growing over the years.”In fact, many say it’s the largest slum in Africa. Kibera’s true population isn’t known, but there are probably as many people living here as there are in San Francisco, packed into housing few Americans could fathom,” ( Pg. 3 Source #2) The population in the slums is so large that no one really knows how many people live there. There are many people living in this slum so there they really can't tell how many people live there. In Kivera, it is estimated to have a bigger population then San Francisco. With so many people living there, it will cause negative effects in the human population. In the world we live in today, the lower the population the better. The lower the population the more resources. It is bad to have a big population because then resources will be limited and it will be harder to live. This isn't the only negative effect of slums; they can also endanger the people who live there because of pollution.
Since slums are really over crowded there are many health hazards. The slums are really un-sanitary and no one would be comfortable living there. It will be really easy to get sick also due to this. "Fink: The foul river carries not just sewage, but also chemicals from farming estates outside the slum. It's littered with refuse, too: plastic bags, glass bottles. A toddle stands barefoot at the water's edge. Just behind her, a row of low huts stretches along the ditch."(Pg.3 Source #2)According to Fink, there is lots of pollution in the slums affecting the people living there. There is so much pollution in the slums it's hard to live in it. The river is really polluted especially with chemicals from factories. One more negative effect of slums is that the government doesn't care about the people who live there.
 People who live in slums are basically mistreated by the government. The government wouldn't help the people who live in slums unless it would benefit them. The government will basically be selfish. "The government is interested in the land, not the people,” says Rajiv Korde."(Pg.8 Source #3) Rajiv Korde states the government only wants land and doesn't care about the people who live there.  The government wants to use the land to benefit from it and not help the people who live there. The government won't even clean up the land so the people there can live better and live longer, but would only do it if they would benefit from it. These are all the ways slums negatively affect the world population.
The world is negatively affected due to slums all over the world for many reasons. The Human populations are negatively affected by slums because slums will increase in population over the following years, slums endanger humans who live there due to pollution, and in slums, and the government does not care for the people who live there. Slums are increasing in an uncontrollable rate. The pollution in the slums is also uncontrollable and the people there often get health problems. In slums, the government doesn't care for the people who live there. Slums are places where people who can't afford to live in other areas. The people there live in pollution and the government doesn't care for them, they live in horrible conditions and slums affect the world negatively.

Works Cited Page


“Urbanization." World Geography: Understanding a Changing World. ABC-CLIO, 2011.Web.2011. <>

Fink, Sheri. "Cities of the Poor I: Life in the Slums (Kenya)." Public Radio International: TheWorld.18Dec, 2006.Web.2011. <>

Blythe, Nils. "BBC NEWS | Business | Mumbai's Slum Life Poses World Problem." BBC News - Home. 26 Feb. 2008. Web. 2011. <>

Eaves, Elisabeth. "Two Billion Slum Dwellers -" Information for the World's Business Leaders - 6 Nov. 2006. Web. 2011.>.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Introductory Paragraph

        "The individual who tips the scales might be a baby born to a city dweller or an adult migrating from the countryside, but in either case, it's likely that his or her new surroundings will include flimsy walls, disease and an enveloping stench of sewage and trash. The newcomer will have arrived in a Third World slum"(Pg.10 Source #4).A slum is a heavily populated urban area characterized by substandard housing. Slums will keep increasing in population over the following years and will cause bad affects on human populations. The Human populations are negatively affected by slums because slums will increase in population over the following years, slums endanger humans who live there due to pollution, an in slums, the government does not care for the people who live there. Slums are increasing in population every year due to the fact people are getting poorer.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


A."The individual who tips the scales might be a baby born to a city dweller or an adult migrating from the countryside, but in either case, it's likely that his or her new surroundings will include flimsy walls, disease and an enveloping stench of sewage and trash. The newcomer will have arrived in a Third World slum. "
B.A slum is a heavily populated urban area characterized by substandard housing.
C.The Human populations are negatively affected by slums because slums will increase in population over the following years, slums endanger humans who live there due to pollution, an in slums, the government does not care for the people who live there.
D. Slums are increasing in population every year due to the fact people are getting poorer.

II- Defendable Point #1
A. Population increasing in slums.
    i.”In fact, many say it’s the largest slum in Africa. Kibera’s true population isn’t known, but there are probably as many people living here as there are in San Francisco, packed into housing few Americans could fathom,”
   ii. The population in the slums is so large that no one really knows how many people live there.
C. There are many people living in this slum so there they really can't tell how many people live there. It is estimated to have a bigger population then San Francisco.
D.This isn't the only negative affect of slums, they can also endanger the people who live there because of pollution.

III. Defendable Point #2
A. How slums endanger humans due to pollution
   i."Fink: The foul river carries not just sewage, but also chemicals from farming estates outside the slum. It's littered with refuse, too: platic bags, glass bottles. A toddle stands barefoot at the water's edge. Just behind her, a row of low huts stretches along the ditch."
  ii.Theres lot of pollution in the slums.
C. There is so much pollution in the slums it's hard to live in it. the river is really polluted espically with chemicals from factories.
D. One more negative affect of slums is that the government doesn't care about the people who live there.

IV. Defendable Point # 3
A.The government doesn't care for the people who live there in the slums.
   i."The government is is interested in the land, not the people, " says Rajiv Korde."
  ii.He states the government wants the land not the people.
C. The government wants to use the land to benefit from it and not help the people who live there.
D. These are all the ways slums negatively affect the world population.

V. Conclusion
A.The world is negatively affected due to slums all over the world.
B.The Human populations are negatively affected by slums because slums will increase in population over the following years, slums endanger humans who live there due to pollution, an in slums, the government does not care for the people who live there.
C.Slums are increasing in an uncontrolable rate. The pollution in the slums is also uncontrolable and the people there often get health problems. In slums, the government doesn't care for the people who live there.
D.Slums are places where people who can't afford to live in other areas. The people there live in pollution and the government doesn't care for them, they live in horrible conditions and slums affect the world negatively.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thesis Statement

The Human populations are negatively affected by slums because slums will increase in population over the following years, slums endanger humans who live there due to pollution, an in slums, the government does not care for the people who live there.