Sunday, October 23, 2011

Introductory Paragraph

        "The individual who tips the scales might be a baby born to a city dweller or an adult migrating from the countryside, but in either case, it's likely that his or her new surroundings will include flimsy walls, disease and an enveloping stench of sewage and trash. The newcomer will have arrived in a Third World slum"(Pg.10 Source #4).A slum is a heavily populated urban area characterized by substandard housing. Slums will keep increasing in population over the following years and will cause bad affects on human populations. The Human populations are negatively affected by slums because slums will increase in population over the following years, slums endanger humans who live there due to pollution, an in slums, the government does not care for the people who live there. Slums are increasing in population every year due to the fact people are getting poorer.

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